IWS works closely with francophone agencies in Saskatoon and Regina SAIF-SK (Service d’accueil et d’inclusion francophone – SK) and ACF (Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise) to advance the objectives of the Francophone Integration Pathways.
International Women of Saskatoon (IWS)
301-336 5th Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2P4
Tel: (306) 978-6611
Email: infohub.saskatoon@iwssaskatoon.org
Regina Satellite Office
100-2445 13th Avenue,
Regina, SK, S4P 0W1
Tel: (306) 525-5272
Email: infohub.regina@iwssaskatoon.org
*Select services are also offered in Prince Albert, Moose Jaw and Lloydminster